CreatPix Infotech Trusted Ecommerce Agency in Ahmedabad

We are a reputable development agency equipped with a team of skilled professionals including Project Managers, Shopify Developers, and QA Experts, all of whom are in-house. Our agency specializes in collaborating with digital agencies that cater to Shopify Plus Merchants.

Job Openings


  • Store Setup: Lead the setup, configuration, and launch of Shopify stores, ensuring adherence to best practices and standards.
  • Theme Development: Develop custom themes using Liquid, HTML, CSS, and Javascript, while providing guidance to junior developers for optimal results.
  • App Integration: Evaluate and integrate third-party apps, optimizing store performance and functionality.
  • API Utilization: Harness Shopify's REST API to integrate custom functionalities, enriching user experiences and store capabilities.
  • UI/UX Enhancement: Craft advanced user interface functionality across diverse devices, guaranteeing seamless user experiences.
  • Codebase Maintenance: Cultivate a scalable, high-quality codebase, implementing best practices and architectural patterns.
  • Innovation: Stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in Shopify development, incorporating them into project workflows for continuous innovation.
  • Team Collaboration: Collaborate effectively within cross-functional teams in an agile development environment, ensuring alignment and efficiency.

Required Skills:

  • Shopify Expertise: Minimum 3 years of experience as a Shopify Developer or equivalent proficiency in HTML/CSS/JS with a robust portfolio in Shopify development.
  • Theme Development: Extensive experience in building themes for Shopify, demonstrating a mastery of Liquid, HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
  • Javascript Proficiency: Advanced proficiency in vanilla Javascript and EcmaScript 2015+, with a focus on writing clean, efficient code.
  • API Integration: Solid understanding of REST APIs and hands-on experience integrating them into Shopify projects for enhanced functionality.
  • CSS Mastery: Strong expertise in building user interfaces with CSS, including proficiency with CSS preprocessors like SASS or LESS.
  • CSS Architecture: Knowledge of CSS architecture methodologies such as B.E.M., SMACSS, or Object-Oriented CSS for streamlined development.
  • HTML Expertise: Proficiency in building semantic and accessible HTML, with meticulous attention to detail.
  • Communication Skills: Excellent communication skills in English, with the ability to articulate ideas and collaborate effectively with team members.
5-Day Work Week

Enjoy a balanced work-life schedule with weekends off to recharge and spend time with loved ones

No Sandwich Leave Policy

Enjoy the assurance that you won't be sandwiched between leaves, ensuring smoother transitions and uninterrupted time off for personal and professional needs

work arrangement
Flexible Work Arrangements

Enjoy flexibility in work hours*
or remote work options*, promoting work-life balance and accommodating individual needs

Birthday gifts
Birthday Gifts

Celebrate your special day with a personalized birthday gift from the company to make you feel valued and appreciated

Festival celebrations
Festival Celebrations

Join in company-wide festivities and celebrations for various festivals and special days throughout the year, fostering a sense of community and inclusivity

Recognition Days
Recognition Days

Mark special occasions like achievements, and other milestones with recognition and celebration

Performance Bonuses
Performance Bonuses and Incentives

Reward exceptional performance with bonuses, incentives, and recognition programs to motivate and inspire excellence

Career Development
Training and Career Development

Access to continuous learning opportunities and job advancement programs to foster personal and professional growth

Team Activities
Team Building Activities

Participate in team-building events, outings, and activities to foster camaraderie, collaboration, and a positive work culture

Team Trip
Yearly Trip

Embark on an annual company-sponsored retreat or trip to unwind, bond with colleagues, and explore new destinations, fostering team cohesion and creating lasting memories

Come & Celebrate Success, Be an Creator
Be a solution ambassador

We are proud to be problem solvers. We just like the humans we work with – coworkers, managers, clients – and genuinely experience supporting one another succeed.

Enjoy the journey

We ensure our crew feels appreciated and valued. Launch Lunches and quarterly show-and-tells are some of the methods we have fun our human beings. We make the effort to forestall and acknowledge in which we got here from in order that we don’t leave out how outstanding the climb is.

Work completion
Get it done

Clients trust us to build things that paintings and we take that seriously. Our team will conquer obstacles, locate answers and deliver notable results.

Growth development
Evolve and adapt

The humans that work here are smart, and smart humans know you could usually get better. Mistakes are even ok as long as you learn some thing from them. We trust a while at IT Path, need to make you better.

Amazing Life@CreatPix
Creatpix team
Team Lunch
Office Campus placement
creatpix team
Creatpix Team
Creatpix team